Module Kat.Hom

Algebraic signatures

type 'b ba = {
ctrue : 'b;
cfalse : 'b;
conj : 'b -> 'b -> 'b;
disj : 'b -> 'b -> 'b;
neg : 'b -> 'b;

Boolean algebra on 'b.

type ('k, 'b) kat = {
ba : 'b ba;
assrt : 'b -> 'k;
union : 'k -> 'k -> 'k;
seq : 'k -> 'k -> 'k;
star : 'k -> 'k;

Kleene Algebra with Tests on 'k and 'b.

Interpretations of (aka homomorphisms on) Boolean and KAT expressions

Any interpretation 'test -> 'b of primitive tests as elements in 'b also induces an interpretation 'test bexp -> 'b of Boolean expressions as elements in 'b, provided 'b carries a Boolean algebra structure.

More formally, for each Boolean algebra ba: 'b ba on 'b, any interpretation of primitive tests map_test : 'test -> 'b extends uniquely to a homomorphism from the initial algebra 'test bexp to 'b; the homomomorphism is given by map_bexp ~ba ~map_test : 'test bexp -> 'b.

The sitatuion for a KAT kat: ('k,'b) kat on 'k and 'b is similar. Given

  1. an interpretation map_test : 'test -> 'b of primitive tests as elements in 'b; and
  2. an interpretation map_act : 'act -> 'k of actions as elements in 'k;

the unique homomorphism from KAT expressions ('act,'test) exp to 'k is given by map_exp ~kat ~map_test ~map_act: ('act,'test) exp -> 'k.

val map_bexp : ba:'b ba -> map_test:('test -> 'b) -> 'test Ast.bexp -> 'b
val map_exp : kat:('k'b) kat -> map_test:('test -> 'b) -> map_act:('act -> 'k) -> ('act'test) Ast.exp -> 'k